SolAps Chargebot

by SolAps Chargebot



MONITOR YOUR POWER IN REAL-TIME• Solar gauges give you detailed and accurate measure of solar generation in real time. • Backup battery gauges give you detailed and accurate measure of the backup battery charge rate and estimated time full charged (ETTFC). • Money is power and so is solar, see how much solar credits you are accumulating in real time.MANAGE YOUR POWER IN REAL-TIME• Adjust your solar device in real time, in order to obtain greater amounts of power in real time.• Receive notifications when your device is fully charged and when you may not be close by.• Set solar credit accumulation goals and manage your performance accordingly and in real time. .CONTROL YOUR POWER• Trade accumulated solar credits for real items in the in-app vendor marketplace/store.• Share accumulated solar credits with your contacts, whether they are users or not users yet.